Beatport New Techno Week 2 2025
In early January 2025, Beatport released “Weekend Picks 2025: Week 2,” a curated assortment of new electronic tracks. This collection includes genres like Techno (Peak Time / Driving) and Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), catering to a wide array of musical tastes within the techno community. Trance. Total: 547 Techno.
51CK - LFO (El'Figo Remix)
51CK - LFO (HÂNSEL Col Remix)
51CK - LFO (Luckes Remix)
51CK - LFO (Morison Remix)
51CK - LFO (Scott Kemix Remix)
51CK - LFO
AINSEL - Echoes (Extended Mix)
AINSEL - Echoes
Acida - Catch You
Acida - Factory
Activator - Sbraxe
Adoption - Circa
Adoption - Conditio
Adoption - Elara
Adoption - Ergo Sum
Adoption - Fermi
Adoption - Ganimedes
Adoption - Jovian
Adoption - Mirabilis
Adoption - Pasiphae
Adoption - RV1
Adoption - Siccatio
Adoption - Sine Qua Non
Adoption - Spirale
Adoption - Storica
AdrenaZ & Neurofonic - Fractal
AdrenaZ & Neurofonic - Spectro
AdrenaZ & Neurofonic - Why Are We Here
Aftershock & Last Word - Champion
Alf_io - Parallelo
Alf_io - Verticale (Altarf Remix)
Alf_io - Verticale (RMN Remix)
Alf_io - Verticale
Altum Klark - Bucle Existencial (Neik Remix)
Altum Klark - Bucle Existencial (Original Mix)
Altum Klark - El Curso
Altum Klark - El Motivo
Altum Klark - Existencia Programada (Dunkler Klang Remix)
Altum Klark - Existencia Programada (Original Mix)
Altum Klark - La Frecuencia Del Ser (Original Mix)
Altum Klark - La Frecuencia Del Ser (Zwick Remix)
Altum Klark - La Razon
Andrea Macario - Flow Is A Killer
Andrea Macario - Lunar Silence
Andrea Macario - Trip Through The Vibe
André Pillar - Acid Notice (Original Mix)
André Pillar - Extraction (Original Mix)
André Pillar - Get It (Original Mix)
Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz, Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz - Frisky
Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz, Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz - Nothing Is Happening
Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz, Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz - Something Is Happening
Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz, Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz - Stressor
Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz, Angel Alanis & Maria Goetz - The Edge
Arnaud Le Texier - Charged
Arnaud Le Texier - Octagone
Arnaud Le Texier - Plaza
Arnaud Le Texier - Quantic
Artur Achziger, Werner B. & Earl Grau - Feel
Artur Achziger, Werner B. & Earl Grau - Fire
Attix - Paralyzed (Edit)
Axell López - Kahu (Dani Balaguer Remix)
Axell López - Kahu (Feisfois Remix)
Axell López - Kahu (Original Mix)
Axell López - Kahu (Oscar Sanchez Remix)
Axell López - Kahu (R1TON Remix)
Axell López - Kahu (VSAN Remix)
Ayako Aries - Kokuen
Ayako Mori - A Sunset
Ayesha Pramanik - Now Here (Rocketman Remix)
Ayesha Pramanik - Now Here
Ayesha Pramanik - Now Where (Ash Roy Remix)
Ayesha Pramanik - Now Where
BassWar & CaoX / Slykes & Butch / Mary Lena - Heartbeat (Winterbeats Anthem 2025) (Extended)
Bengalo - Aracne
Bengalo - Sueño Lúcido
Bioweapon - We May Live On (Edit)
Black Mirror Park - Body Balm
Black Mirror Park - Ningun
Black Mirror Park - Serotonin 5 (Introversion Remix)
Black Mirror Park - Serotonin 5
Boatech - Dystopian
Bruno Chaix - Mud Maybe
Bruno Chaix - Something Floats In The Lagoon
Bruno Chaix - The Lost Sparkler
Calzoh - Govan Underground (Original Mix)
Calzoh - Pollution (Original Mix)
Candiloro - Lower
Candiloro - Strange Hypnosis
Candiloro - Triangular
Cari Lekebusch - Freeze Tag
Cari Lekebusch - Hacky Sack
Cari Lekebusch - Whack A Mole
Celentano - Astronaut
Celentano - Clove
Celentano - Extra
Chapter V & Faceless - Bombs Away! (Faceless Remix) (Edit)
Chapter V & Infliction - Clank It Up (Infliction Remix) (Edit)
Chinno - Feel The Force
Chris Van Neu - Final Race (Fabertron Remix)
Chris Van Neu - Final Race
Cold Project - Incredibly Stupid
Cold Project - Klippies (The Helpers)
Cold Project - My Eyes Never Forget
Collusion - PIECE BY PIECE (LIVE EDIT) (Edit)
Collusion - THE COLLAPSE (LIVE EDIT) (Edit)
Crime - Sabotage (Original Mix)
Cut Sphere - Real Trap Shit (Edit)
D-Sturb Ft. XCEPTION - The Edge (Of The End) (Extended Mix)
D-Sturb Ft. XCEPTION - The Edge (Of The End)
DJ Mystery & Meelody - Crazzy (Extended Version)
DJ Mystery & Meelody - Crazzy
DJ PMC - Entropy (Original Mix)
DJ PMC - Force (Original Mix)
DJ PMC - Kaleidoscope (Original Mix)
DJ Sodeyama - Isis (Original Mix)
DJ Sodeyama - Nephthys (Original Mix)
DJ Sodeyama - Osiris (Original Mix)
DJ Sodeyama - Set (Original Mix)
Daniel Sbert - Dynamo
Daniel Sbert - Eladyum
Deckmonsters aka DJ Murphy & Christian Fischer - BOUNCER
Deckmonsters aka DJ Murphy & Christian Fischer - Dance
Decode Blue - Future (Berto DE & Laserzac Remix)
Decode Blue - Future
Decode Blue - Mission
Deepack - Hearts On Fire (Edit)
Deluzion - Partystarter (Edit)
Deluzion - Partystarter (Rejecta Edit) (Edit)
Diek - Ozone
Divinez - Stay With Me (Edit)
Dnio - Convergencia
Dnio - Darsena
Dnio - Dorsal
Doumu - Far
Doumu - Necessary
a Universe of me - Approach
a Universe of me - Collapse
a Universe of me - Default
a Universe of me - Second gear
a Universe of me - This kind of mushroom
DUALDISK - Answer Machine (Original Mix)
DUALDISK - Circuit Breaker (Original Mix)
DUALDISK - Disco Revolver (Original Mix)
DUALDISK - Echo Dialogues (Original Mix)
DUALDISK - Northern Lights (Original Mix)
DUALDISK - Query Loop (Original Mix)
Doumu - Pourquoi
Druknian City - Alia Re
Druknian City - Ancient Tool
Druknian City - Celer
Druknian City - Commotio
Druknian City - Ductio
Druknian City - Mar Sara
Druknian City - Mobilis
Druknian City - Pluvia
Druknian City - Quid
Druknian City - Scendere
Dtoolz - BRK1
Dtoolz - DNCF1
Dub Taylor - Across The Sky (Edit)
Dub Taylor - Across The Sky
Dunkler Klang - Genesis (Altum Klark Remix)
Dunkler Klang - Genesis
E-Brake - Do What You Want
Ecilo - Demolition Count
Ecilo - Illumination
Ecilo - Mantra La Galigo
Ecilo - Picture Of Dome
Ecilo - Spirited Away
Ellen Allien - How It Looks Like
Endymion & Rebelion - KEEP ON BOUNCIN'
Endymion & Rebelion - TOO FAR LIKE
Envine Ft. Elyn - Bleeding Heart (Extended Mix)
Envine Ft. Elyn - Bleeding Heart
Filthy Kid & Milos Vujovic - Altair
Filthy Kid & Milos Vujovic - Domination
Filthy Kid & Milos Vujovic - Stardust
Frio Hurt & Aloiz - Succubus Girl (Bonus Track)
Frio Hurt - Succubus Girl (Aloiz Remix)
Frio Hurt - Succubus Girl (Erick Ruiz Remix)
Frio Hurt - Succubus Girl (INVICTXS Remix)
Frio Hurt - Succubus Girl (Original Mix)
Gen2.7 - Hide and Seek (Original Mix)
Gen2.7 - Lose Control (Original Mix)
Gen2.7 - Self Destruction (Original Mix)
George Wonder - Dancing On My Own (Extended Mix)
Gonzo - Dread
Gonzo - Geezers Need Excitement
Gonzo - Razor Edge (Duty Paid Remix)
Gonzo - Razor Edge
Guardelion & NothingButNoize - Enemy (Edit)
Gunjack - 19th & Nicollet
Gunjack - Good Droids Gone Bad
Gunjack - Mind Virus
Gunjack - Mo' Future
Gunjack - Nexus Creature
Gunjack - Thorax
HANSEL (Col) - Black Mamba
HANSEL (Col) - Boomslang
Hasegawa - Feed The Cycle (Original Mix)
Hasegawa - Reckless Impulse (Original Mix)
Heavy Resistance & Storah - Fear & Death (Edit)
Hugo Rolan - XX 22 A1
Hugo Rolan - XX 22 A2
Hugo Rolan - XX 22 B1
Hugo Rolan - XX 22 B2
Ilona Maras - New York Undercover
Ilona Maras - No Sleep Baby
Ilona Maras - Poisoned Wine
Ilona Maras - This Is Your Diss
Inflame - My Mission (Edit)
Iñaki Villasante - ID77 (Original Mix)
Iñaki Villasante - VV40 (Original Mix)
Jay Norris - Acid Heart (Original Mix)
Jay Norris - Back to the Future (Original Mix)
Jaydee - Born Air
Jaydee - Techrapy
Jens Lissat - Connect (Tcp Mix)
Jens Lissat - You Can't Escape
Jexxar - Relentless
Jody 6 - Never Going to Stop
Jody 6 - Slaves to the Rave
Johnny Piras - Mind Escape
Johnny Piras - Panic Attack
Johnny Piras - Ready for It
Joton & Lidvall - Polaridad
Joton - Populos
Juan eNe - Agujero Negro
Juan eNe - Anomalias Del Cosmos
Juan eNe - Cumulo Estelar
Juan eNe - Plano Orbital
Justin Dolan - Bad Bwai (Radio Edit)
Justin Dolan - Bad Bwai
Justin Dolan - Denied (Radio Edit)
Justin Dolan - Denied
K-Deey - Fomo
K-Deey - Loose Ends
K-Deey - No Matter What
Kate Hex - Hypnopompia feat. TiaNova (Pablo Say Remix)
Kate Hex - Hypnopompia feat. TiaNova
Katerina - Be A Child (Live Version)
Katerina - Evolution (Live Version)
Katerina - The Trick Baby (Live Version)
Katerina - Trouble Boy (Live Version)
Ketzaal - In Parables (Original Mix)
Ketzaal - Law of the Lamb (Original Mix)
Ketzaal - Lumina (Original Mix)
Ketzaal - Miracle (Original Mix)
Ketzaal - Synaptic Motion (Original Mix)
Ketzaal - To Live For (Original Mix)
KidEast - Circling (Edit)
Kim Harbas - Apple (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Celo (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Cybernetic Dreams (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Girassóis Circuitados (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Hardcore Hotdog Harmony (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Lights Pulse (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Lux (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Plutao (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Synthetic Energy (Original Mix)
Kim Harbas - Synthwave Serenity (Original Mix)
edetto - Another Tek Track
edetto - Kick It
Lezther - El Atajo
Lezther - El Descenso
Lezther - El Inframundo
Lezther - La Cueva
Lezther - Las Ruinas
Lidvall & Joton - Ecos de Acero
Lidvall - Esta lloviendo
Lost Decibels - History (Edit)
Luca Gio - Good Times (Original mix)
Luca Gio - Mutation (Original mix)
Luca Gio - Mythical Transformation (Original mix)
Luigi Tozzi - Amphibia
Luigi Tozzi - Reptilian
Luigi Tozzi - Sentient
Luigi Tozzi - Uterus
Luke From Mars - Into The Void (Extended Mix)
Luke From Mars - Into The Void
M. Rodriguez - Pendollo
M3LIØ - Transformation
MaKabre - Bumbaclott
MaKabre - Panic Attack
Maleak & Michael Scheppert - Manifestation
Maleak - Brink of Insanity
Mani Festo - Chalkpit
Marc Noize & Techflex - Aetherischer Throb
Marc Noize & Techflex - Dusk Resonance
Marc Noize - Dark Wave (Leopold Bär Remix)
Marc Noize - Dark Wave (Original Mix)
Marco Alessi - Good Life
Marco Alessi - My Time
Matrick - Body Move (Hardwell Extended Edit)
Mauro Picotto - The Twilight Zone (V2) (Taub Mix)
May-i - Control Your Thoughts (Extended)
May-i - Control Your Thoughts (Radio Edit)
Metapattern - Martains Among Us
Metapattern - Street Sweeper
Metapattern - Tool 20
Mgkoop - Androide 5
Mgkoop - Tetraedre
Michael Wells a.k.a. G.T.O. - Babylon
Michael Wells a.k.a. G.T.O. - Get It
Michael Wells a.k.a. G.T.O. - Rasca
Michael Wells a.k.a. G.T.O. - Spikkle
Miguel Nicoli - Down Ok
Miguel Nicoli - Kritikal
MindFX - Draft
MindFX - My Point
MindFX - Talking
MindFX - Totally
Mossed - Family
Mossed - Noiser
Mossed - Solar
Mr Coalman & Hermann Bravo - Rave Wars
Mr Coalman & Hermann Bravo - The Outsiders
NICEGU¥ - Mordida (DJ Popper Remix)
NICEGU¥ - Mordida (Original Mix)
NICEGU¥ - Mordida (Vekan Remix)
Neo (AU) - Deleterater
Neo (AU) - Erradicate
Neo (AU) - The Present is a Gift
Neo - Deleterater
Neo - Erradicate
Neo - The Present Is A Gift
Nicko Shuo - Deep Depression
Nicko Shuo - Lost Mind
Nicko Shuo - Micro
Nicko Shuo - Unbridbled
Non-Specific Defence System - Airfreshener
Non-Specific Defence System - Airport Stress
Non-Specific Defence System - Alias
Non-Specific Defence System - Centreline Controlling Depth
Non-Specific Defence System - Flame
Non-Specific Defence System - Floral (Original Mix)
Non-Specific Defence System - Led Projector
Non-Specific Defence System - Microsd
Non-Specific Defence System - No More
Non-Specific Defence System - Not Into It
Non-Specific Defence System - Phones
Non-Specific Defence System - Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Non-Specific Defence System - Praktisch
Non-Specific Defence System - cut01
Non-Specific Defence System - cut02
Oda Haliti - Lali
Omnya - Down The Rabbit Hole (Live Edit) (Edit)
Origae6 - Sun 1
Origae6 - Sun 2
Origae6 - Sun 3
Origae6 - Sun 4
Outer Informer - CRISPR Waves (Original)
Outer Informer - Genetic Frequency (Original)
Outer Informer - Quantum Copy (Original)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Alexis Munoz Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (DIEF Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Dani Balaguer Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Leopold Bär Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Martin Villalba Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Neik Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Original Mix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Oscar Sanchez Remix)
Paul Render & AngelGround (Col) - The Shadow (Zwick Remix)
Pawel Dobrowolski - Dialog That Needs Your Attention
Pawel Dobrowolski - Overhub
Pawel Dobrowolski - Resonance
Pawel Dobrowolski - V Raum
Perpetual Universe - Droid Factory
Perpetual Universe - Sines of Space
Pfirter - Axis Drift
Pierce - Ceto Rapier
Pierce - Gallus (Blenk Remix)
Pierce - Gallus
Pierce - Kita
Pierce - Manticore
Pierce - Unleash (Uväll Remix)
Pierce - Unleash
Private Press - Overdose
Private Press - Pwm Break
Private Press - Ravers Delight
Private Press - Rush
Pylot - Altijd
Pylot - Constant
Pylot - Loopgruv
Pylot - Straight Cut
Pylot - Vuur
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Heteroparty (Original Mix)
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Hipchnok (Original Mix)
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Konhcpih (Original Mix)
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Ouanegene (Original Mix)
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Robots (Original Mix)
Pzeko & Liryc NonStop - Tripe (Original Mix)
Radical Future - Buggin
Radical Future - Warrior
Rafael de la King - Evil Activity
Rafael de la King - Night Pulse
Ramilitch - Cyberpunk
Ramilitch - Jump up
Ramilitch - Standalone
Ramon Tapia - Brazza Tool (Original Mix)
Ramon Tapia - Get FunkD (Original Mix)
Ramon Tapia - Look Back (Original Mix)
Ramon Tapia - They Don't Stop (Original Mix)
Rawpvck - Break It Down (Edit)
ROBPM - Feel Alive (Extended Mix)
RVLT - Demons of Mine (Original Mix)
RVLT - Eblouir (Original Mix)
Rebelion & Aversion - ZAAG IN PARIS
Rebelion & Kruelty - DEAD END GAME
Rebelion & Malice - FK THE KLOENK
Rebelion & Malice - H8Mi
Rebelion & So Juice - DA PRODUCT (Edit)
Rebelion & So Juice - SO CRUSHED
Rebelion - Bonkerz (The Straikerz Remix)
Rebelion - FK DA DOME
Rebelion - NEW SHIZ
Rebelion - OVD FM
Rebelion - POLIZEI
Rebelion - PVC JUNKIE
Reblok - Bae
Reblok - Bounce It
Rejecta & Rebelion - THE REAL REALNESS
Rekame - Colderino (8Lives Redub)
Rekame - Colderino (Hopler Route Remix)
Rekame - Colderino (JWDR Remix)
Rekame - Colderino
Rekons - I01
Renaud Genton - The Basement Ambassador (Extended Instrumental Mix)
Renaud Genton - The Basement Ambassador (Extended Mix)
Restricted Vision - A Form of Freedom
Restricted Vision - They Are Talking
Restricted Vision - Time to Understand (Drop-E Remix)
Restricted Vision - Time to Understand
Rhadamanthe and Trypdo - ABYSS WALKER (Original Mix)
Rhadamanthe and Trypdo - NAMELESS KING (Original Mix)
Rich Coote - My Fears
Rich Coote - Remote Control
Ring Of Abaddon - Civil Twilight
Ring Of Abaddon - Every Day Is Exactly The Same
Ring Of Abaddon - Make A Move
Ring Of Abaddon - Standing
Romain Richard - Gotta Get Out Of Here
Romain Richard - Highway 49
Romain Richard - Perfect Timing
Romain Richard - Rising Impact
Sabura & Dimsn - Cohesion (TiM TASTE Remix)
Sabura & Dimsn - Cohesion
Saporta - Este
Saporta - Let Me See
Saporta - Sna Dance
Schott - Bolts
Schott - C-Wire
Schott - Centro
Schott - Clouds
Sebastian Mora & BRAAC - San Francisco (Original Mix)
Sebastian Mora & BRAAC - Up Now (Original Mix)
Section IX - Hard Vibrating Frequencies
Sergio Pardo - Eibmoz
Sergio Pardo - La Cueva
Sorcery & UVB - Demand Future
Sorcery - Command Future
Sorcery - Crux Null
Sorcery - Pith Pivot
Sound Rush Ft. ATILAX - Step Into The Light (APEX 2025 OST) (Extended Mix)
Sound Rush Ft. ATILAX - Step Into The Light (APEX 2025 OST)
Spektrx - Eva's Mystery (J.FAY & Rodri XXX Remix)
Spektrx - Eva's Mystery (Original Mix)
Spri7e - Calamity
Spri7e - Enemy Force
Spri7e - Everfrost
Spri7e - Unlighted
Spri7e - Viewer
Superior Core - Murder And Death (Edit)
Sylkov - Intensity
Sylkov - Pure Blood
Sylkov - Release
System 97 - Decide (Original Mix)
System 97 - Purize (Original Mix)
TC Dj - Dutry Hard
TC Dj - Dutry
TEKWRECK - Cascade (Sped Up)
TEKWRECK - Cascade
Techflex - Wicked
Traumtherapie - Blinding
Trust True - Animal Planet
Trust True - Bullying At School
Trust True - Fool and Genius
Trust True - HaHaHa
Tupel - Echoes of Cosmic
Tupel - The Matrix (Julius Jung Remix)
Tupel - The Matrix
UMEK pres. Polyvinyl - Somber Tone (Hertz Intrumental Edit)
UMEK pres. Polyvinyl - Somber Tone
UMEK pres. Polyvinyl - True Nature
Uakoz & Theo Nasa - Speak To Me
Uakoz - Beat Battle (The Southern 'BLOCK' Remix)
Uakoz - Beat Battle
Uakoz - Rawolution
Unload - Visions (Edit)
VenLum - Rave Girl
Verschallt - Sound Of Move (Feux Remix)
Verschallt - Sound Of Move
Veruah - Beltane
Veruah - Harvest
Veruah - Imbolc
Veruah - Lammas
Veruah - Litha
Veruah - Mabon
Veruah - Ostara
Veruah - Samhain
Veruah - Witches
Veruah - Yule
Warface & Rebelion - DEATH SENTENCE
X Traxx - Drop Your Body
X Traxx - What Is That
Yan Cook - 22-44
Yan Cook - Eyes Adjust To The Dark
Yan Cook - Kviten
Yan Cook - Surface Tension
Yari Mostaccioli - Body To Body
Yari Mostaccioli - Coming From The Dark
Yari Mostaccioli - Sadness
Yazz (USA) - Addicted
Yazz (USA) - Can't Stop
Yazz (USA) - Project Mambo
Yazz (USA) - Sirens
Yellow Claw & Juyen Sebulba & Rebelion - DO YOU LIKE ZAAG?
wwwavvve - Below Zero
wwwavvve - Evolve
wwwavvve - Gestalt
wwwavvve - Give It Up
wwwavvve - Motif
wwwavvve - Top Gun
wwwavvve - Transcript
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